Miguel del Angel, MSc

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr. Miguel Del Ángel

Institute of Biology
Department of Genetics & Molecular Neurobiology
Leipziger Straße 44, Haus 91, 39120 Magdeburg, H91/023
About me

As we age, there is a global impairment of autophagy, one of the main catalytic pathways of the cell. This impairment is particularly harmful in the brain, as it has been correlated with the onset of neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline. In accordance, pharmacological interventions that reduce symptoms of age-related diseases, prevent memory decline or even increase lifespan, have been shown to modulate autophagy. As a PhD student, I study potential novel regulators of autophagy as entry sites for pharmacological intervention during ageing, for which I use mainly cellular and molecular approaches with behavioural studies


Bachelor’s in Biology: National Autonomous University of Mexico

Master’s in Science: National Autonomous University of Mexico

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