
Principal Investigator

Head of Department & Head of Institute

Current Lab Members

Team Leader

RG Synapto-Oscillopathies

Junior Research Group Leader

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr. Miguel Del Ángel

Doctoral candidate

Doctoral candidate

Doctoral candidate

Doctoral candidate

Doctoral candidate

Doctoral candidate

Debora Manz

Room: H91/023

+49 391 67-55119

Doctoral candidate

Gizem Keskin

Room: H91/023

+49 391 67-55119

Doctoral candidate

Mariana Martins Vieira Palmeiro Nunes

Room: H91-024

+49 391 67-55119

cand. med.

Kevin Jonischkies

Room: H91/023

+49 391 67-55119

cand. med.

Anna Zweigerdt

Room: H91/023

+49 391 67-55119

cand. med.

Jana Kaluza

Room: H91/023

+49 391 67-55119

Master student

Daniel Frias Donair

Room: H91/023

+49 391 67-55121

Scientific Coordination

project coordination GRK 2413/2 SynAGE

Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dana Zöllner

Room: H91/018

+49 391 67-55104

project coordination SFB 1436 IRTG

Elisa Lancini

Technical and Adminstrative Staff

Technical Assistant (MTA)

Antje Koffi von Hoff

Room: H91/020

+49 391 67-55117

Office hours: tue-thu: 7:00 - 13:00

Technical Assistant (BTA)

Franziska Blitz

Room: H91/020

+49 391 67-55109

Office hours: mo-fr: 8:00 - 14:00

Technical Assistant (BTA)

Simone Stork

Room: H91/020

+49 391 67-55117

Office hours: mo-fr: 11:00 - 15:00


Petra Karpf

Room: H91/018

+49 391 67-55101

Office hours: mo-thu: 11:00 - 14:00

Last Modification: 23.10.2024 - Contact Person: